Saturday, February 7, in the new headquarters of our partner ICCV still under construction, community leaders of the district met to assist the restitution of the activities of the association for 2014 and the presentation of the program for 2015. On this occasion, we announced the launch of the RASA project to the community providing details on content, objectives and strategy to gather the widest consensus around it, essential to ensure its success.

The community leaders are points of reference and guide for the whole community, and represent the demographic and social composition of it during regular meetings that take place between the members to discuss the problems of community life and mediate solutions: at the meeting were in fact present community elders, representatives of women and youth. Every six months, ICCV organizes a meeting of this type to be accountable to the community for its actions and obtain the approval.

At the end of our presentation, we then asked the "blessing" (in these cases, the term is used without a religious connotation) to elders leaders for the success of the project. The reactions were totally positive and for us it was really an exciting moment! Which diversity compared with our society, which participation and sense of community!

Later on a short video of the event.

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